Renu Mehra

Several factors contribute to why some people exude so much confidence. Many elements combine to create a person who naturally exudes confidence in various aspects of their life. Let us talk about some :

1-they are comfortable in their shape, size & skin

-irrespective of one’s colour & shape when one dresses appropriately and cleverly to appear shapely, smart, crisp & capable one feels & exudes confidence.

2-saying ‘no’ is not a problem-

Confident people draw their boundaries & manage to say ‘ no’ with elegance & respect. This way they are not taken for granted & being available, hence their respect in others eyes goes up & so does their confidence.

3-failures do not deter them. They make their failures learning opportunities-

Failures are a learning process & confident people analyze their wrongdoing, improve, strategize & attempt again. This raises their self-belief and paints a very confident picture.

4-energy is not wasted making comparisons with others, instead, they track & compare their journey-

Comparisons can leave one de-moralized. Confident people see where they started & how far they have come despite the hurdles & failures and remain inspired. Their ability to keep going shows them in a very confident light.

5-they ask for feedback

When people ask for feedback it allows them to unlearn, re-learn & learn to make yet another attempt with confidence. There is little wonder why people label them as ‘ confident’.

More tips coming up in my next blog post…

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